In my previous blog post, I offered examples of what happens when you don’t recognize your season has changed—when you are just going through life as you always have with no adjustments for your current circumstances.
Those were cautionary, real-life examples. And they came with practical solutions of how to navigate life better. That’s important because life is not static. It changes constantly in ways big and small. To be happy and successful, you must adapt to whatever season you currently are in and plan for the next one, too.
Whether you’re in the hubbub of raising young children, focused on building a career, or navigating an empty nest, recognizing your season is the first step toward living intentionally. But what’s next? How do you turn that awareness into meaningful action?
Here are four practical steps to help you align your goals, habits, and priorities with your current season of life:
1. Assess What Matters Most Right Now
Every season comes with unique priorities. A season of career building might prioritize professional growth, while a season of family focus may center on being present for your loved ones. Take some time to identify your top three priorities for this season. Ask yourself:
• What is non-negotiable for me right now?
• What brings me the most joy or fulfillment in this season?
• What areas of my life have been neglected and need attention?
2. Let Go of Outdated Habits
In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear says habits that served us in a previous season may no longer be effective—or necessary—in a new one. For example, continuing the intense grind of starting a business might not make sense when your business is stable and your family or health needs attention.
Letting go of outdated habits can be hard, but it’s also freeing. Ask yourself:
• What am I still doing that no longer serves me?
• What can I delegate or simplify to create more balance?
3. Embrace New Opportunities
A new season often opens the door to opportunities you couldn’t pursue before. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn a new skill, travel more, or dedicate time to mentoring others. Reflect on what you’ve been putting off because “life was too busy” and consider how this season could make space for it.
Ask yourself:
• What have I always wanted to do but didn’t have time for in the past?
• How can I take small steps to begin integrating this into my life?
4. Revisit Your Vision Regularly
Life is dynamic, and seasons can change without warning. What works for you now might not make sense six months or a year from now. Make it a habit to check in with yourself regularly—quarterly or even monthly—to reassess your priorities and ensure you’re living in alignment with your current season.
Consider these questions during your check-ins:
• Is this still the season I thought I was in?
• Am I prioritizing the right things, or do I need to adjust?
Closing Thought
As we enter this new year, remember that your life isn’t static. Seasons will shift, priorities will evolve, and new opportunities will arise. The key to thriving is learning to recognize those changes and adapting with them.
I challenge you to live intentionally this year. Whatever your current season and circumstances, move through each day with clarity and purpose while you look for ways to grow. Live in each moment. Live fully in your season.
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