Company Culture

Company Culture

As we discussed in our “When Too Much is Not a Good Thing” blog, these days, employees often have the upper hand. Labor shortages mean they can ask for more (pay, benefits, flexibility, etc.) and they expect more from their companies in other ways, too. They want to...
When Too Much is Not a Good Thing

When Too Much is Not a Good Thing

Recently a manager came to me for career advice. He had worked at a well-respected company for more than a decade. While this company was not one of my clients, I knew he had enjoyed working there. But now he was deeply unhappy.  Over the last couple of years,...
A Great Lesson on Stress

A Great Lesson on Stress

I think everyone on the planet would agree that during the last two years our stress has increased. Exponentially. And in just about all areas of life. The Covid-19 pandemic impacted us all in lots of different ways. We’ve changed how we work, shop, parent, learn,...
Buckets and Dippers

Buckets and Dippers

Some time ago, while working with a company during their annual conference, the topic of “motivation” came up over dinner. It was a lively discussion with lots of opinions. The question — Can you truly motivate someone? — has been thrown around for, I’m sure, hundreds...
Arthur “Spud” Melin—American Role Model

Arthur “Spud” Melin—American Role Model

I bet very few of you have heard of Arthur “Spud” Melin, but I know all of us have seen his products. Many years ago, Spud and his boyhood friend Richard Knerr were raising falcons and training them to hunt.  They made wooden slingshots to hurl meat into the air...