What Happens During a Coaching Session?

What Happens During a Coaching Session? I always end my first coaching session with someone new to the program by asking this question:  “Was this session what you thought a business-coaching session would be?” The answer is almost universal.  They tell me they were...

business tips I learned from Dad

Business Tips I Learned from Dad   Twenty years ago, I wrote an article titled “Business Tips I Learned from Dad.” At the time, my daddy was turning 71, and I wrote the piece in honor of him. Henry will be 91 years old on August 22. He still practices...

serious summer fun

This summer, I had the opportunity to go on two different parent-child trips that were coordinated by the same organization. One was a weeklong educational sailing trip with five boys, two dads and a boat captain. The other was a trip to Camp Sequoyah near Anniston....

Different Approaches to Same Fundamentals

Last time I talked about legendary Birmingham banker Ollie Sandlin, who worked for one of Birmingham’s premier banks for more than 50 successful years. In addition to being an asset to the bank as a senior vice president in the Commercial Development Division, Ollie...

sales according to ollie

Ollie Sandlin is legendary in our town. The retired banker was a senior vice president in the Commercial Development Division of SouthTrust Bank (now called Wells Fargo.) His responsibilities included calling on business customers and properties and providing them...

Corsini on winning: how you win is everything

Let’s conclude our conversation on winning today by talking about the right way to win. It is directly tied to doing the right thing. Winning at all costs is out of vogue. While it never was authentic, it once was popular to focus on winning no matter what it took....

corsini on winning: always do your best

Today, we’re continuing our conversation on winning and doing your best. But first, if you’ve ever wondered what we do for executives, professionals and salesperson in our coaching program, here’s an opportunity to find out. We’re going to be offering six no-charge,...

corsini on winning: pick your fan club wisely

Last time we talked about how winning (and losing) is infectious. Success leads to more success, and losses can trip you up and hold you back if you let them. To achieve big things, you have to have confidence in yourself. Today, let’s focus on fan clubs. I want you...

Exciting News!

In two days, you can download a free copy of our new eBook, Authentic Selling: A Better Way to Do What You Do. It’s the companion book to Corsini Consulting Group’s innovative sales model, Authentic Selling. This brand-new sales model uses the same principles of...