Lessons Learned
from 20 Years of Coaching

This booklet contains some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned while coaching thousands of successful executives, professionals and salespeople. My hope is that, in reading this, you’ll realize your own dreams and find fulfillment—in your offices and in the wider world.
I coach these same ideas and concepts every day. They are the most valuable, usable lessons I’ve learned over the years. They will help you do what you do better—whatever you do.”
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Do What You Do Better
with the 7 F’s of True Success

The purpose of this book is to help you Do What You Do Better—both in and out of your office. There are thousands of business books that spell out how to be more successful professionally. And there are even more self-help books to help you discover and improve the real you. This book is different because its principles should be applied to both areas—your professional life and your personal life. It’s a whole-person approach to life and work, and it’s based on what I call The 7 F’s of True Success.
Download your free copy.
Authentic Selling:
A Better Way to Do What You Do

Whoever you are and whatever you sell, you can Do What You Do Better.
The step-by-step process in this book focuses on the fundamentals of sales—those basic elements and actions successful salespeople perform each and every day.
Corsini Consulting Group LLC has always followed a whole-life methodology, so this book offers a path to a balanced way of life —one of success in and out of the office.
Download your free copy.
Do What You Do Better
for Salespeople

Whoever you are and whatever you sell, you can Do What You Do Better.
The step-by-step process in this book focuses on the fundamentals of sales—those basic elements and actions successful salespeople perform each and every day.
Corsini Consulting Group LLC has always followed a whole-life methodology, so this book offers a path to a balanced way of life—one of success in and out of the office.
Download your free copy.
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