Time to Go

Deciding when to retire is tricky for most people. Even high-profile people with all kinds of folks giving them good advice don’t always get it right. I was talking to someone the other day, and we got on the subject of “athletes who should have retired sooner.” (You...

Paint by Numbers

We live in an instant-gratification society. Just about anything you could want—from cookware to cosmetics is just one click away—often with free two-day shipping! But this mindset is not entirely new. I remember a particular artistic shortcut from my youth called...

Perpetual Amateur

In college, I developed an interest in photography, and I bought a Nikkormat 35mm camera. At the time, it was Nikon’s lower-end product, but it still was nicer than a Polaroid or other instamatic camera. Back then, gaining “experience” with a 35mm camera was...

Wright’s Rule of 5

French writer Albert Camus once wrote: “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” That little bit of wisdom reminds me of a recent meeting with my friend Lloyd Wright. Lloyd is a former executive coaching client. I helped him with his...

“They’re Looking for Someone Younger.”

You might have heard somebody who’s an older worker say that they are too old to do something different professionally. “I’m too old to start a new career,” or “Nobody will hire me now that I’m in my 60s” or “They’re looking for someone younger.” The thing is: That’s...