fad diets

Americans do love their fad diets. Some that are currently trending include the Five-Bite Diet; the Paleo Diet; the Raw Food Diet; the Baby Food Diet; something called the Werewolf Diet (seriously); the 80-year-old Grapefruit Diet; and the grandfather of them all, the...

everyone’s a winner

In my last blog I talked about the positive or negative energy that people bring into a coaching session. There’s tremendous power in a “can-do” attitude, but a “can’t do” mindset is just as strong. Lots of people absolutely believe they can—and will—be successful,...

the power of the can and can’t do

 As a business coach, I work with all kinds of people—executives, professionals and salespeople—some are incredibly successful while others struggle and underperform. When you coach successful people at the top of their game, it not only is an honor to work with them...

don’t be that person

Here’s a blog especially for management. Just about every company has one employee who is amazingly difficult. He or she might be a bully or a prima donna or even a narcissistic jerk. These people generally are very good at what they do. But while doing their jobs...

selling past the dip

A few weeks ago, we talked about something called “The Dip.” The term comes from Seth Godin’s worthwhile book, The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick). Go to Corsini’s “The Dip” blog  to read more. In a nutshell, “the...


If you’ve ever watched one of those restaurant makeover shows on television, you’ll see that they often begin by simplifying the menu. They whittle down those four-, five- or even eight-page menus to showcase the few truly delicious dishes that the restaurant does...