Adapted from an image by Stiller Beobachter

Most of us start the New Year wanting to improve our lives in one or many ways. The tips below, originally from Overeaters Anonymous, can apply to a variety of situations—whether you’re trying to lose weight, increase your sales, encourage teamwork, improve your leadership skills or be a better spouse (and person in general). I’d suggest making these tips part of your yearly goals; reread them every time you review those goals.

Then live this brand-new year one day at a time—every day telling yourself: “Just for today I will …


  1. “try to live through this day only; I will not try to overcome all my problems at once.” I’ll address change in small doses. I’ll try changing a bad habit for twelve hours only, with the feeling that I probably can keep it up for longer than that.

2. “try to be happy.” Abraham Lincoln said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” He was right. I will not dwell on things that depress me. I will replace upsetting thoughts with happier ones.

3. “adjust myself to what is.” I will face reality. I will try to change those things that I can change and accept those things I cannot change.

4. “try to improve my mind.” I will not be a mental slacker. I will make myself read something—even something short—that requires effort, thought and concentration.

5. “exercise my soul in three ways:” I will do a good deed for somebody—without letting the person know it. I will do at least two things that I know I should do but that I have been putting off. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt; they might be hurt, but today I will not show it.

6. “be agreeable.” I will look as good as I can, and I will talk softly, act courteously and speak ill of no one. Just for today, I’ll not try to improve anyone except myself.

7. “have a plan.” I might not follow my plan exactly, but I will have it, thereby saving myself from two problems: hurry and indecision.

8. “have a quiet half hour to relax alone.” During this time, I will reflect on my behavior, and I will try to get a better perspective on my life.

9. “be unafraid.” I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions. I will expect nothing from the world—but I will realize that as I give to the world, the world will give to me.

10. Corsini’s bonus tip: Today (and every day) I will do what I do better.”   Business coaching has taught me this: It’s not the number of hours you put in, but how much you put into those hours. Keep that in mind today and tomorrow and the next day—one day at a time—and you’ll do what you do better.