new yearI’ll be the first to say that in real life, regarding important things, “do overs” are few and very far between—if at all. Usually, there’s not a second chance to get something right. You either get it right, partially right or wrong on your first and only try.

But wouldn’t it be nice if do overs happened more regularly?

Beginning today—right now—consider the new year an official do over. Think about it:  The new year—with fresh resolutions and a still-clear calendar—is perhaps the closest thing in life that we have to a do over.

The new year offers lots of exciting opportunities to “get it right”—- no matter what “it” is. Whether you’re resolving to do something different, do more of something, do less of something else or stop doing some things altogether, you’ll need smart goals and a solid plan for reaching them. 

As a business coach with a whole-life approach, I’ve worked with thousands of people these past 20 years helping them identify goals and document successful pursuits of those goals.

I hold them accountable to their dreams and actions in a comprehensive way with our proven 7 F’s of True Success model.

Each of the 7 F’s is a key element in a life of success and balance. The 7 F’s of True Success are:  the Fundamentals of work, Finances (and your financial legacy), Family (and friends), Faith, Fitness (emotional & physical), Fun and the Fusion of all this.

Here are some specific ways I’ve seen executives, professionals and salespeople successfully match up their goals to the 7 F’s:

Fundamentals of work: Keep 18 to 22 new opportunities in the pipeline, and maintain that level each month. Increase productivity by limiting email sessions to three times a day; improve time management; learn to say “no” and “not now.”

Finances: Reduce line of credit debt by $6,000; avoid any new credit card debt; save $500 a month using recurring, automatic deposits through online banking.

Family (and friends): No distracting technology in use at home after 8 p.m.; call mom each week; lunch with friends.

Faith: Attend worship services regularly; daily Bible study; daily quiet time.

Fitness: Exercise three times a week; lose 10 pounds; quit drinking; reduce stress; be kind to yourself.

Fun: Learn a new hobby; vacation without work intrusions; have regular dates with spouse.

Fusion: Worry less; link expectations to reality in your relationships with extended family; work less; help others.

When you’re making resolutions and setting goals for 2014, consider using our 7 F’s of True Success model as a guide to covering all the important aspects of your life.

And remember:  Do overs don’t come around every day. Make the most of this one!