With spring break coming up for many of you, I’d like to help you make the most of your time off and away from the day-to-day. To that end, I’m assigning some homework! But don’t worry; it’s not difficult, and it is well worth your effort. For those of you who might not be going on a spring-break vacation, this assignment still applies. You’ll just need to make some time for it. 

A friend gave me a copy of A Philosopher’s Notes: On Optimal Living, Creating an Authentically Awesome Life and Other Such Goodness by Brian Johnson, and there’s a lot in this book to reflect upon and put into practice. I’ve pulled some questions from the book that I think align nicely with our 7 F’s of True Success model of living life. The questions and the 7 F’s are designed to make you think about and achieve your best life—in and out of your office.

Just to refresh regarding the 7 F’s: I’m talking about your work Fundamentals, sound Finances (and building your financial legacy), Family (and friends), Faith, Fitness (physical and mental), Fun and the Fusion (or balance) of all these things.

Put Pen to Paper

So, as you consider the questions below from Brian Johnson’s book, think of them in terms of those important 7 F’s of True Success. I encourage you to write down your answers and use them as a guide to doing what you do better. For those of you in our coaching programs, we can talk about your answers and ideas in an upcoming session. 

Here’s your homework:

  1. How can you use strengths in greatest service to yourself, your family, your community and the world?
  2. How can you get paid to do what you love?
  3. What 5 things are you most proud of? What 5 things will you be most proud of?
  4. If you had all the time and all the money in the world, what would you do?
  5. What does your ideal day look like? When do you get up? What do you do? With whom? For whom? Imagine it in vivid detail!
  6. Who are your heroes? Why? How are you like them?
  7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
  8. If you were guaranteed to succeed, what’s the # 1 thing you would do? What else?
  9. What is it that you and only you can do for the world?
  10. How can you live in more integrity with your ideals?
  11. What’s the # 1 thing you could start doing that would have the most positive impact in your life?
  12. What’s the # 1 thing you could STOP doing that would have the most positive impact in your life?

If you’re heading out, enjoy your time off making memories with family and friends! Use this downtime to consider how you can return to regular life with renewed focus and determination. 

And, perhaps most importantly, use this time to reflect on what is truly important to you at work and in life. That’s something you can do whether you’re at the beach or right here at home.